Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrates that the Messenger (S.A.W) of Allah (S.W.T) said,” I take an oath by the Being in whose control is my life, if you do not sin, Allah (S.W.T) will take you away and bring another nation which will commit sins. They will seek forgiveness from Allah (S.W.T) and Allah (S.W.T) will forgive them. (MUSLIM)
Rasulullah (S.A.W) narrates that Allah (S.W.T) said, “A person commits a sin and says, “O Allah (S.W.T)! Forgive my sin.” Allah (S.W.T) says, “My servant committed a sin. He knows he has a Rabb who forgives sins and also takes to task for committing sin.” The person then commits a sin again and says, “O my Rabb! Forgive my sin.” Allah (S.W.T) says, “My servant committed a sin. He knows he has a Rabb who forgives sins and also takes to task for committing sins.” The person then commits a sin again and says, “O my Rabb! Forgive my sin.” Allah (S.W.T) says, “My servant committed a sin. He knows he has a Rabb who forgives sins and also takes to task for committing sins. I have forgiven my servant. HE MAY NOW DO AS HE LIKES.” (MUSLIM)
The words ‘he may now do as he likes’ mean that as long as he repents after committing a sin, Allah (S.W.T) will forgive him. This is because repentance wipes off previous sins.
Allah (S.W.T) says, “Say! O my servants who wrong themselves (commit sins)! Do not despair of the infinite mercy of Allah (S.W.T). Undoubtedly, Allah (S.W.T) forgives all sins. Allah (S.W.T) alone is All Forgiving and All Merciful. (QUR’AAN, SURAH ZUMAR 39:53) Abdullah Bin Umar (R.A) says that this verse contains the most hope for sinners and all mankind, at large.
Rasulullah (S.A.W) narrates that Allah (S.W.T) said, “O men! As long as you continue supplicating to Me and having hope in Me, I will forgive you no matter what evils are in you. I will not bother how big a sinner you are, it will not be a serious issue for me to forgive you. O men! Even if your sins reach the height of the skies and then you seek forgiveness from me, I will forgive you. O men! If you come to me with the earth filled with sins and then you meet me without having ascribed any partner with me, I will come to you with the earth filled with forgiveness,” (TIRMIDHI)
Except the Messengers of Allah (S.W.T), every child of Aadam (A.S) will commit sin. The best of those who commit sin are those who make Tauba – sincere repentance.
Allah (S.A.W) has blessed the one who often makes Istighfaar. This is a great Sunnah of Nabi (S.A.W). This is also a sign of gratitude and never losing hope in the unlimited mercy of Allah(S.W.T). Ultimately, this is a sign of acceptance of Allah (S.W.T).
Never lose hope! Accept your wrongs! Always ask for forgiveness!